Saturday, December 22, 2007


The letter S that spilled itself
Was trampled by feet unknown

The letter O that shrilled into the air
Fell on deaf ears. Sigh!

The letter R took a ride but
Traveled destination unknown

It took a second chance but
The door it struck was tightly shut

The letter Y waited
For all the others to have their turn

But yonder ed too long I guess.

When all it took, was to say
I'm Sorry My Friend

1 comment:

Nimish V Adani said...

Well said. I have these 2 friends who were extremely close to each other and then one fine day they just stopped talking to each other. Silence prevailed for 2 full years till one of them just picked up the phone and said SORRY. That's all it took. This was during my under-graduation.

Same situation during post-graduation between 2 close friends of mine. This time the period was shorter.